The prospering Power of Agreement

By: Catherine Ponder

You may have regarded nonresistance as an indifferent yielding to whatever occurred. You may have considered it a teaching fit only for the unfit, or as a pratice suited only to those who are incapable of self defense. Most people have.

However, nonresistance is stronger than resistance. Its practice requires far more mind power than is required for fighting back. You resist what you oppose, criticize or resent. Resistance entails on detail. Nonresistance accepts the generalization. When you resist a difficulty, you antagonize it and it fights back.

You probably know people who are constantly upset over details. They "cannot see the forest for the trees." Such people either die young or suffer from ill health, emotional stress, or financial problems caused by their own fretful attitudes.

How can you refrain from criticism and resentment to a situation that is not being handled right? If you will agree where you can agree and refrain from dwelling upon points that you cannot accept, you will keep in harmony with your inner self and with the universe. Always there is ground for agreement. Agree or withdraw in peace.

This is the prosperity lesson you learn from the peaceful Millionaire, Isaac. He did not become upset by apparent injustices. he did not fight for his rights. He withdrew in peace and dug deeper wells in consciousness. Isaac went deeper within his own being each time to meet the challenges presented him by the hostile Philistines. As he looked for grounds for agreement and refuse to fight back, it is little wonder that his income increased a hundredfold in just one year! Isaac knew that no one could take his good from him, and that which was his by Divine Right would come to him under "divine timing."

pge. 108 , Millionaires of the Genesis